Friday, September 13, 2013

Now Blog Away Where Every Day Is A New Day Even If It Is The Same Day To Blog Away

     Friday, 13 September 2013, PALMER, AK - Alright that is the Max Money way! And have we got some others on board who are already blogging away. We are learning how this works. Now what Max Money's family has to say is: "Does this mean you are buying us dinner today?" Well since this new blog we have here is all about living well by working smart I guess that means it is steak tonight! Pizza steak everybody that is right.
     HA! That is a joke. But now I am thinking of all the good meals that we can have that are a good value, too. We sincerely think of all the best we have found out there and share. For me it is like seeing a good movie that makes one feel as if one can do anything. That leaves one satisfied. Most everyone naturally feels better when they believe that they have gotten their money's worth.
     As I was saying in the first post the first new thing that I have tried to learn today is how to pick one of all these videos and get something out of it that is worthwhile. That way I could pass it on to you. The one I watched was about a young man who half-tried for quite a while to make some money blogging. However it was not until his Senior year of college that he really put his mind to it.
      He went for it all or nothing as he was the only one from his family in the United States so that when he finished college he had to be able to support himself. There would be no choice about it as when he was done with that year there would be nowhere for him to go and take a "breather" until he went out into the real world. He would just find himself there like it or not.
       So what he did was hole himself up in his college room and soak take in all the information that he could about supporting himself blogging. He studied all those different informational summaries and what they had to teach him. Both about things that people had learned worked and things that did not. He learned all kinds of things about the color and placement of ads. He found that the tips he learned were true. Things he did in certain recommended ways tended to get the predicted results. It really was possible to make accurate predictions about how readers would respond to advertisements following all the information that just seemed overwhelming at first.
       Well Max Money that is me did tell you I would let you know what I learned. In the first videos I learned that a blogger needs to find a "keyword" for something that people are seeking and then about five minor related keywords to go along with it. Readers here are welcome to follow along with me, but most readers will see that that might just be a good starting point for encouragement.
       Anyway as we bloggers are seeing today this blog is meant to be about value. I have to think of the things that I have gotten that I have felt were a good value. The more things I have found like that in life the better my standard of living is because it takes less work to make my life richer and better when I make the right choices. Simple but true.
       So now until I learn more I will have to see if that draws the kind of advertisers and readers together who believe the same thing. And then I guess it is corny, but we really can say they "click".
Man, that is corny. If I cannot do any better tomorrow. . . .

Copyright 2013 maxmoney All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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